FAQ Employer
Are you an Jobseeker? If so, click here to get to the Jobseeker Support page
How to whitelist an email or domain in Gmail
How do I edit, update or delete a posting?
Posting costs - do you offer a free posting?
How do I get my job posting featured on the site?
How do I post a job or internship?
Are there any restrictions on the type of jobs or internships I can post?
How long will my posting stay online?
Why does my posting say Member Only?
Can I have a confidential posting?
Job & Internship Title Guidelines
Can you automate my postings? What is ATS Sync?
Internship Posting Best Practices
How do I get crew for my indie project?
Successful Job Postings in the COVID-19 era
How to Post a Job (Video walkthrough)
Can I advertise my career site with banner ads?
Can I look up or repost old postings?
How can I advertise my career fair or job expo?
How to Edit or delete a Job Posting (Video walkthrough)
How to Upgrade a Job Posting (Video walkthrough)
How to Re-Activate a Job Posting (Video walkthrough)
California Department of Fair Employment & Housing Fact Sheet